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Well hello there! My name is Saibreya, but you can call me Saib! I was born and raised in Utah and I have absolutely loved it. The mountains, the desert. big cities and small cities, we have it all! I have loved getting to experience living in new places the last couple years, but Utah will always be home! 


I adore love. I met my sweetheart in college almost 3 years ago and since then we have been inseparable! We got married in August 2018 and its true what they say, I love him more and more everyday!


I am a sucker for dogs! My husband and I got our first pup together almost one year ago. He is 5 pounds of pure fluff and we are obsessed! 


I am the goofiest person ever. I love to dance and I love to sing, it may not be the most flattering thing but at least it is fun! The Office and Hot Rod will always be my favorite shows! I can guarantee you that I know Hot Rod word for word. 


I love photography. I love the opportunity to show someone how beautiful they are! Getting to be apart of someones day is the most special thing ever. 


My Favorite Things



Chicken Alfredo

Romantic Comedies 

Costa Vida 

Disco Skate Night 


Hair Scrunchies 




Me and my honey!

Tell me about your love story! 

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